Clarksburg-Harrison Regional
Housing Authority

Rhonda Lindsey Executive Director

Board of commissioners Meet the Staff

Thank you for coming to the Clarksburg-Harrison Regional Housing Authority in your search for decent, safe, and sanitary housing.

The History of The Clarksburg-Harrison Regional Housing Authority

The United States Housing Act of 1937 laid the foundation for today's public housing program. The Act promised federal financial and technical assistance to states and localities which woud embark on clearing slums and providing decent housing for low-income residents.

States, in turn, were required to pass housing legislation. West Virginia State law establishes a housing authority in each city and county; however, such housing authority is now authorized to act or conduct any bisiness until the governing body of the city or country declares by resolution that a need exists for such housing authority to function in such city or county. Upon the adoption of such resolution, said housing authority shall be established and shall have perpetual existance, unless dissolved in accordance with law.

The Housing Authority of the City of Clarksburg was established by resolution of City Council of the City of Clarksburg on September 19, 1966, under the authority of Chapter 93, Acts of the Legislature of West Virginia, Second Extrodinary Session, 1933. On September 23, 1966, the Commissioners of the Clarksburg Housing Authority held their first regular meeting. Regular Board meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month, at 5:00 p.m. at the new Central Office Complex of the Authority.

To receive federal assistance, local housing authorities were required under the 1937 Act to enter into a contract with the federal government. The Annual Contributions Contract, as it was and still is called, spelled out specific obligations and responsibilities that must be met by the local authority in developing, operating and overseeing the financial aspects of assisted housing programs.

Good rapport with local officials ensures that the housing authority is receiving the level of services promised by the local government and paves the way for future expansion of the Housing Authority's Programs.

A) Cooperation Agreement
Before and Authority can initiate federally funded development, it must have signed a Cooperation Agreement with the local governing bosy where the housing project is to be located. The Cooperation Agreement is a binding contract that:
1) Obligates the local housing authority to make payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) to the local government; and,
2) The local governing body to provide cooperation in the development and management of low income housing, including municipal services, such as police and fire protection, commensurate with services provided in other areas of the city.

B) Accountability
Since funding the public housing comes from federal sources, commissioners are held accountable by the United States Department of Housing And Urban Development (HUD) for ensuring that the local agency is living up to its obligations to provide decent, safe, sanitary low to moderate-income housing and to protect against fraud, waste and abuse, as well as discrimination. The performance of each Authority is regularly evaluated in accordance with federal regulations which require:
1) An annual financial audit performed by an Independent Public Auditor who is a CPA;
2) Period review of the Capital Fund and;
3) Annual review of overall administration and management practices through HUD's Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS).